Monday, August 29, 2011

Why Blog?

I have been asked why did you start a Blog? Several reasons come to mind.  Primarily, I want to share my enthusiasm of photography and hopefully spark an interest in this art form that might not have been there before. Many people have inspired me on my photographic journey and I now hope to inspire others. I want to share the many useful tips and tricks that I have learned along the way and show examples of the different ways I experiment when painting with light. That’s how I feel about photography. It is painting with light. I read a quote the other day by John Berger that said, "What makes photography a strange invention is that its primary raw materials are light and time."  That is so true and in some of my images I consider the light as my paint and the movement of the camera or subject matter as my brush strokes. An example of that can be seen in the images I posted yesterday. There are also many on-line resources available and I will be posting links to my favorites.  The Internet is a wonderful resource for the learning and sharing of ideas …and that is why I’m here.

Below is a link to a video I enjoyed watching this morning.


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